Join us online or in-person at @akelaspace for March’s Artist Talk with Adán Hernandez this Tuesday at 7pm!

A little about this month’s photographer:
Born and raised in Anchorage. Although I have no formal photography training I have a lifelong love of taking pictures.
I love shooting on any camera I can get my hands on. Digital, analog, like they say “the best camera is the camera you have on you.”My inspiration comes from a couple things. A love of discarded objects that can be traced back to childhood playing in abandoned cars in a neighborhood vacant lot. The other being art classes where I learned about balance, perspective, and composition. My favorite thing about photography is the hunt. It’s a big treasure hunt for me, and there is treasure everywhere.
I have done a few gallery shows. I have had my work featured in publications from The Anchorage Museum, Alaska Humanities Forum, Anchorage Daily News, The Anchorage Press, and The Associated Press. I have also self published several photo zines.
I started developing my film at home a couple years ago, so now I am also enjoying the process of brings these captures into the world.